Kathleen J. Meyer, DO
Osteopathic Manipulative and
Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine
Family Care of the Fox Cities
W3124 Van Roy Road
Appleton Wisconsin 54915
The Best Doctors You've Never Heard Of
​​What is a Doctor of Osteopathy?
​You may not realize it, but your own family doctor may be a Doctor of Osteopathy.
A D.O. is a fully licensed physician who can perform surgery and prescribe drugs. There are osteopathic doctors in every field...from pediatrics to cardiology from gynecology to rheumatology.
In addition to studying the typical subjects you would expect student physicians to master, osteopathic students take approximately 200 additional hours of training in the art of manipulative medicine. This system of hands-on techniques helps alleviate pain, restore motion, support the body’s natural functions and influences the body’s structure to help it function more efficiently.
A D.O.s education is rooted in a distinctive philosophy. They believe that your body has everything it needs to self-regulate and self-heal and that structure and function are interrelated. Many osteopathic manipulative techniques are aimed at reducing or eliminating the impediments to proper structure and function so the self-healing mechanism can assume its role in restoring a person to health.
Read Prevention Magazine's interesting and comprehensive article on Osteopathy.
Mikhail Varshavski, D.O. talks with Dr. Fauci about Covid-19 at Osteopathic.org.
Want to know more about Osteopathy in a nutshell? Check out this interesting article by Dr. Gerald Baltazar published in Buzzfeed.
Dr. Baltazar (who is, of course, a DO himself) includes this list of some famous Doctors of Osteopathy:
Earl Haas: inventor of the tampon
Reef Karim: medical expert for "The Bourne Identity," "Alias" and "The Today Show"
John Fong: medical consultant to TV series “ER"
Ronald Blanck: surgeon general of the U.S. Army from 1996 to 2000
Samuel Sheppard: the basis for the TV and movie “The Fugitive”
Joel Weisman: one of the physicians who discovered AIDS
W. Kenneth Riland: physician to former presidents and Nelson Rockefeller
Barbara Ross-Lee: first African-American woman to serve as dean of a U.S. medical school
William Anderson: civil rights leader who worked closely with Martin Luther King Jr.
Leonard Calabrese: pioneer in HIV research at the Cleveland Clinic
Enrico Fazzini: Parkinson’s disease expert to Pope John Paul II, Michael J. Fox, Muhammad Ali and Janet Reno
Joyce Johnson: U.S. Coast Guard's chief medical officer
*No one knows for sure if Doctor Who is an MD or DO.